Your New Home and How to Take Care of It has an inviting new look and continues to be a perfect customer handout at closing. Remember: customer care is the key to a builder's warranty program. This invaluable booklet provides home buyers with pages and pages of tips on maintenance to help keep their new home performing at its peak. In the back, there are checklists on which to note maintenance dates and remarks. This will be one of the most useful handouts you can present to your customers. Sold in packs of 10. You will also want to give your customers Building Your New Home at contract signing to explain the construction process and set realistic expectations!Author Biography
The National Association of Home Builders is a Washington-based trade association representing more than 140,000 members involved in home building, remodeling, multifamily construction, property management, subcontracting, design, housing finance, building product manufacturing, and other aspects of residential and light commercial construction. NAHB is affiliated with 700 state and local home builders associations around the country. NAHB's builder members will construct about 80 percent of the new housing units projected for this year.